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Overhead Crane Operator Safety
This program was designed and meets many standards, including OSHA 29 CFR 1910.179 – Overhead Cranes and Gantries, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.554 – Overhead Hoists. This training teaches skills such as machine operation, health and safety, and accepted good practices. This program provides participants the working knowledge to assist in reducing operator errors that may lead to unnecessary downtime and the knowledge to help avoid possible serious injury to personnel caused by improper crane operation. Topics can include but are not limited to the function of all major crane components and assemblies, minimum qualifications and requirements for a crane operator, daily crane inspection procedure required by local governing bodies, four rules of safe and proficient crane operation, precise spotting of loads and making precision lifts, proper techniques to minimize load swing, recommended hand signals, basic rigging procedures to attach the load to the hook.
In order to successfully complete this course, the participant must demonstrate proficiency in both a practical and written examination.

Class Duration
4 - 6 hours
Available Languages
English, Spanish
Class Delivery
Instructor-Led, Virtual, Online
Training Type / Requirements
Certification, Requires Recertification
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